
Tank Chess for PC and Nintendo Switch!
Tank Chess is a strategic game played on square boards of different sizes. The main objective is to destroy the opponent’s Command Tank or to escape with your own Command Tank through the opposite side of the board. To achieve this objective, players must plan the actions of their Light, Medium and Heavy Tanks carefully, use every opportunity they have to create initiative, but they also have to be ready to adapt quickly to any advance of the enemy forces.

November 2, 2021
Aeromat Watches collaboration
Some time ago, we were approached by the awesome guys from Aeromat Watches, with whom we have a shared passion for aeronautics and WWII, and there seems to be a common ground for a project that will offer even more realism and immersion into the WWII period. There is no official agreement yet, due to our commitments to the fulfillment of this project and other pending tasks, but as soon as the horizon clears we will intensify the talks which should, hopefully, result in a joint campaign in 2022 that will bring additional content to Age of Dogfights: WWII. As soon as there are any updates on this, we’ll share the news, so make sure you follow us!

September 25, 2021
The pledge manager has started
Immediately after the end of the campaign, we announced the pledge manager after the AoD: WWII campaign would be starting in September, and today it is finally live. There was a lot of preparation work to be done because of many expansions and add-ons and we had to consult the BackerKit support many times so they could help us with organizing the shipping exactly the way we agreed with the backers.

July 12, 2021
The Age of Dogfights: WWII campaign ends
Another very successful Kickstarter for us has just finished with almost a thousand backers. Thanks, everyone! It has been quite a journey, once again. The thing that we’re most proud of is the amazing community we have, which is reflected in the day-to-day communication we have, the feedback, their willingness to be a part of this project and to participate in improving our games to the maximum.
We will do our best to once again justify your trust and to fulfill the project on time.

July 7, 2021
New tilt compensators
One of the key things to know about Forsage Games is that we not only design games but also produce them. We have our own workshop where we can produce everything, from prototypes to large series. Having tools and machines at our disposal means that we can make almost anything we need for our games, in order to improve the quality or the gameplay experience.
The recent improvement to the AoD: WWII game is the new shape of the tilt compensator element. In this game, there are two types of tilt, and now there is a unique plastic element that will allow that to happen on the board.

July, 2021
A review from The Discriminating Gamer
A very thorough review of AoD: WWI from The Discriminating Gamer has seen daylight today. We thank Cody for his time and diligence, and also for his kind words!

July 2, 2021
Age of Dogfights: WWII - EXPANSIONS
As you may already know, our desire when conceptualizing the Age of Dogfights series of aerial warfare games was to include as many periods, battlefields, and aircraft. That is, indeed, the case with all the individual games in the series, as each of them will have expansions that add more historically accurate content to the game.
As far as AoD: WWII is concerned, we have decided to offer 5 expansions and 3 mini-expansions during the pledge manager after the Kickstarter campaign. In the future, there will be additional ones (Spanish Civil War, Winter War, 1930s, Late 1940s, Fantastic German Projects, Experimental Aircraft, etc.), but, for now, 5+3 is a realistic target having in mind the shipping period.

June 30, 2021
The Gimpy Gamer comments on AoD: WWII
After the series of videos made for AoD: WWI, The Gimpy Gamer has published a video on the changes between the two games of the Age of Dogfights series and shared his first impressions on the Demo.

June 17, 2021
The AoD: WWII campaign has started - we are funded!
Age of Dogfights: WWII is live on Kickstarter and we are happy and proud to say that we have already been funded! In less than an hour, we have reached the goal ($2000) and also the first stretch goal, so two additional airplanes have been unlocked. Thank you so much for your support!
The campaign will last until July 11, so make sure you get your game at the Kickstarter exclusive price. At the same time, all the Age of Dogfights: WWI content is on sale in our web store so don’t miss the opportunity to grab that expansion you’re missing!

June 2021
Preparing the Age of Dogfights: WWII campaign
Time flies and there is not much left before the start of our Age of Dogfights: WWII campaign on Kickstarter. The last few weeks we have been engaged in the preparation of the project page and it is now almost complete. The video is still to be finished, and a few more images will be added just before the start.
At the same time, we are finishing the production of a small Demo series, which will be sent for review shortly. The first impressions of the reviewers will be published during the campaign.
The campaign should start on Thursday, June 17. Don’t miss the start as there will be gifts for backing the project during the first 36 hours!

May 14, 2021
The last batch of AoD: WWI has been sent!
Finally, the shipping of rewards from the Age of Dogfights: WWI project is over, as the last batch of 15 packages has been sent today. It has been very time-consuming and pretty stressful at times because of all the sudden changes due to the pandemics and the shipping cost increase. However, all in all, we are satisfied with the overall organization of this task and the efficiency despite some minor issues along the way.
The feedback from the backers regarding the state of the received packages means a lot to us as, although there are only a few cases where the packages suffered damage, we will always try to improve in that respect and to find the service that will ensure that all the orders reach our customers in excellent condition.

April 30, 2021
AoD: WWI content finally available on our website
Since the production of Age of Dogfights: WWI and the corresponding expansions has been finished, the shipping of the rewards to the remaining Kickstarter backers will be over shortly. Having that in mind, we have decided to put all the available AoD: WWI content on our website so everyone who wants to get an expansion they did not order during the campaign can now do so.
Other than that, several game add-ons are also available in different packs, so you can even customize your game according to your preferences.

April 27, 2021
The fifth and final AoD: WWI expansion has been produced!
There it is! The production of 1920’s expansion for Age of Dogfights has reached the end, which means that all the rewards for the Kickstarter campaign have been finished. After months of hard work, this expansion puts the icing on the cake regarding the Age of Dogfights: WWI content. It is again a major expansion, that will provide gamers with many interesting options on the battlefield, as it includes 42 new aircraft types from 11 countries.

April 05, 2021
The new workshop is finally equipped
After months during which we used it mainly for storage, we finally had some time on our hands to equip the newly rented workshop properly. It includes a separate space for assembly, large desk space, shelves to the ceiling, and we’ve moved the packing machine there, as this is the location from which the games will get dispatched from now on.

April 2021
The AoD: WWI AAT expansion is here!
After the Main Expansion, Important Aircraft Supplement expansion, and the Ottoman Empire Aircraft expansion, the fourth AoD: WWI expansion has arrived and it is being shipped to our backers. The Additional Aircraft Types expansion is a major one, as it features nothing less than 40 new aircraft types (80 tokens) that come with their own additional rulebook and a few scenarios. The Main Game by itself provides options for hundreds of hours of diverse gameplay, and now, with these four expansions, the available in-game content will keep you entertained even more!

March-April, 2021
A series of video reviews and AoD: WWI playthroughs
A boardgame YouTuber, The Gimpy Gamer, has published several videos on AoD: WWI on his channel that include a full playthrough and his many reflections on the gameplay. We can only thank him for his dedication and nice comments. Be sure to check his YouTube channel!

February 15, 2021
We have to keep on expanding
Due to the rhythm of production of the games for the Age of Dogfights: WWI project, our capacities showed to be insufficient, especially for storage purposes. Despite the expansion made in August, we got overwhelmed with the game boxes which started slowing us down on a daily basis. That is why we started renting another space in the same craft center, that was unexpectedly made available. We have equipped it only partially and it has already made a huge difference in our day-to-day space management and production speed.

February 7, 2021
Mistakes were made…
The Age of Dogfights Kickstarter reward shipping process was briefly put on hold due to an error in prepress which was caught late. We had to print a new series of sheets with bomb and photo markers, because, somehow, probably in transfer from one computer to another, the fonts got altered by mistake, which can be seen in the photos.
Luckily, the printing of the new series did not take much time, so the shipping was resumed swiftly.

February 2021
The shipping of AoD:WWI Main Expansion and OEA expansion has started
After the Main Game and the IAS expansion, the next in line was the Main Expansion, so we started shipping Kickstarter orders that contain it as a reward. The expansion introduces new content into AoD:WWI as it features 54 new airplanes, airships, observation, and barrage balloons, and it comes along with new scenarios and a separate rulebook.
Along with it, the Ottoman Empire Aircraft expansion has reached the end of production, and it is also being shipped to Kickstarter backers. It includes 6 airplanes from the Ottoman Empire that come with additional scenarios.
All in all, a lot of new content for the Age of Dogfights: WWI fans!