Family games
A huge number of our games can be classified as “Family games”, including some that we put into the “sports” and “traffic” categories.
The game “Airtrace” represents an aircraft exercise. The game was published as a part of the “Saratoga” set in 1996. In 2003, a newer version of the game was published by “Beoplast Export-Import” under the name “Top Gun”. Another version of “Airtrace” is currently in development.

Airtrace (1996)

Top Gun prototype

Top Gun first edition (2003)

Top Gun second edition (2008)

The second version of the Top Gun board

Airtrace - advanced prototype shown at Games festival in Cannes 2013

The game "Flying saucers" was published in the "Kosmoteka 3+1" set in 2007. It was designed as a diceless abstract game. The game represents a conflict of two fleets of flying saucers in far space. At the Games festival in Cannes, a prototype of an enhanced version of “Flying saucers” aroused great interest among visitors. After that, the game had several new editions with radical improvements in the design and gameplay.

Flying saucers - first edition (2007)

Flying saucers - third edition (2013)

Flying saucers in Cannes 2013

Flying saucers - fourth edition (2014)